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Underfloor Heating Systems

Underfloor Heating Systems

The perfect partner for an Air Source Heat Pump is Underfloor Heating. This is because Air Source Heat Pumps are more efficient the lower the water temperature and as Underfloor Heating operates at lower temperatures than radiators, it is clear why it is a perfect match.

How does underfloor heating work?

Underfloor heating is a system of pipes laid beneath the floor, through which warm water circulates. The water from an Air Source Heat Pump flows through the cylinder and pipes, warming the floor above.

Underfloor Heating has a more even distribution of heat since the pipes in the floor are evenly spaced and emits a nice gentle warmth. Underfloor Heating is typically more efficient than radiators, as it operates on lower temperatures and it also frees up valuable wall space.

There are a number of installation options available and at Unitherm. These systems are a great way to lower your emissions and increase efficiency and lower bills.

Please find detailed below the floor construction details and core components for Unitherm’s range of warm water underfloor heating systems:

  • Uni-Staple

    The Uni-staple system provides a quick, flexible and simple method of securing the underfloor heating pipework when laying a screed floor. The staples have a barbed end which fixes into the insulation. To speed up the process further, a pipe stapler is available. In preparation for certain screeds, a polythene sheet/membrane may be required over the insulation prior to stapling the pipe.

  • Uni-Cliprail

    The Uni-Cliprail system provides a quick, flexible and simple method of securing the underfloor heating pipework when laying a screed floor. The cliprail has an adhesive back which fixes onto the insulation. In preparation for certain screeds, a polythene sheet/membrane may be required over the insulation prior to stapling the pipe.

  • Uni-Spider25 / Uni-SpiderSlim20

    The Uni-Spider25 / Uni-Spider Slim20 system comprises of a series of interlocking castellated panels which have been designed to avoid using cliprail and staples to speed up the installation of the underfloor heating system. It has an adhesive layer on the underside to ensure no movement when the screed is poured. This design enables very thin screeds to be poured over the panel to give the lowest possible build.

  • Uni-Foilboard

    The Uni-Foilboard20 is a low profile, light weight system, ideal for all types of installation especially where the floor height is a premium. The insulation panel is pre-grooved, a foil reflective layer is then heat-adhered to produce an effective high output panel. When using carpet or a thin laminate, a 6mm flooring grade plywood would need to be used.

  • Uni-Gypsum18

    The Uni-Gyspum18 is a low profile high performance system manufactured from reinforced gypsum, the CNC routed panels with universal bulb returns are engineered to provide an optimum heating system. There are significant installation time saving benefits over that of a wet system. A flexible adhesive should be used when installing tiles.

  • Uni-Foilchip22

    The Uni-Foilchip22 is a structural heating board which gives rapid even heat distribution, dry construction and is fully recyclable. With a 22mm thickness, a 6mm flooring grade ply would need to be bonded and mechanically fixed to the chipboard prior to any floor covering. This can be installed on solid, joisted and battened floors.

  • Uni-Joistplate

    The Uni-Joistplate is a double channel aluminium diffuser plate which sits between joists. When notching joists, this needs to be done in accordance with the relevant building regulations. Web/Eco joists & I-beams can be utilised without the need to notch the joists. This design is ideally suited for new build applications.

  • Uni-Pugscreed

    The Uni-Pugscreed can be used with either just staples or you can install cliprail for extra security of the pipe. The screed density can vary depending on the thickness of screed installed. When installing intoa joisted floor system, the joists must be correctly sized to accept the additional loading. Battens can be installed onto a solid floor to reduce the screed thickness.